Strumento di pulizia CleanScrape®

Installed at an angle across the discharge pulley, the revolutionary CleanScrape Belt Cleaner requires minimal space for installation. Because the CleanScrape Belt Cleaner is equipped with tungsten carbide tips and applies minimal pressure to the belt, it’s safe for use on mechanical splices, making it the most versatile belt cleaner on the market.

Features and Benefits:
  • Durable: Lasts longer than traditional polyurethane belt cleaning systems. Stainless steel cable for longevity of cleaner. Tensioner is protected by mounting outside of the chute.
  • Reliable: Safe for use on mechanical splices as it is equipped with carbide tips and applies minimal pressure to the belt. Tensioner has a scale which makes adjustment of the tensioning force easy. The tensioner is mounted on the outside of the chute which makes it possible to tension on moving belt.
  • Easy to operate: After installation and test run (2-6 weeks) does not need on-going tension adjustment. Visual checks are recommended but not compulsory after the test run. For sticky, abrasive, heavy duty applications more visual checks are needed. Inspection and maintenance (blade replacement) interval is based on data collection sheet.
  • Versatile: Different sizes of moulded rubber blade for different pulley diameters. Different grade of carbide tips for different material and PH value. Swage sleeves can be ordered in aluminium or copper for underground applications.
  • Compact: Installation easy in cramped spaces that are hazardous to squeeze into - extension bracket gives you leeway to mount tensioner further away from chute wall if space is limited. Fixed point makes mounting simple because of choice between bolting or welding and adjusting. The chute wall bracket allows fine adjustment.
  • A special version for ATEX zones is available on request

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Specifiche dei prodotti

Belt Width Up to 3000 mm (wider on demand)
Belt Speed Up to 6 m/s for mechanical splices, up to 8 m/s for vulcanized splices
Pulley Diameter 300 mm to 2000 mm (larger diameter on demand)
Temperature Between -20 degrees C and +80 degrees C
Corrosive Conditions Yes
Compatible with Reversing Belts or Roll Back Yes
Accommodates Mechanical Splices Yes
Passt sich an mechanische Stöße an Yes


Brochure - CleanScrape® Cleaner Scarica
Tech Data Sheet - CleanScrape® Cleaner Scarica
Operator Manual - CleanScrape® Cleaner Scarica

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